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Daniel Spors edited this page Nov 4, 2020 · 2 revisions

The Scavix WebFramework contains a built in routing mechanism that best work with apaches mod_rewrite, but will also do it's job without. The basic concept is, that you define a controller class that contains methods, which are 'addressable' from the browser. You may use the buildQuery function to create URLs that are qualified for your installation. Sample:


This will result in: http://your.domain/index.php?wdf_route=home/index&message=Hi or with mod_rewrite enabled: http://your.domain/home/index?message=Hi

If you open such an URL in your browser, the Home controller will be created an it's method Index will be invoked.

class Home extends HtmlPage
	 * @attribute[RequestParam('message','string',false)]
	function Index($message)
		$this->content("Message: $message");

Notice the DocComment? This is a feature called Attribution and it is used to easily parse arguments from the request to method arguments. WDF supports a set of attributes used for different purposes.

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