An ARP-based UP/DOWN and Presence detection system for the Home that publishes on MQTT. By default, it will attempt to connect to an open MQTT broker on the local system; this can be changed by editing the configuration file.
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Homescan publishes the following information to MQTT:
- Homescan application state (UP/DOWN)
- Device MAC/IP/Hostname/STATE and Round Trip Time
BETA RELEASE Platforms supported:
- Linux Mint Mint 19.1
Platforms untested:
- Raspabian
- Ubuntu
- Windows
- Paho MQTT
- Scapy
This installation creates a virtual environment and adds dependencies:
sudo apt-get install python3-venv
sudo python3 -m venv /opt/venv
sudo /opt/venv/bin/python3 -m pip install paho-mqtt
sudo /opt/venv/bin/python3 -m pip install scapy
cd /opt
sudo git clone
Test installation:
cd /opt/homescan
sudo /opt/venv/bin/python3
(Press Ctrl-C to abort if required)
Homescan will attempt to connect to MQTT on the local system by default, but you should now configure the following options if required:
This defaults to and will need to be changed if you have
it installed on another system
This is the default MQTT port of 1883
username / password
You need to set your username and password if you have added security to MQTT broker
If your system interface is not called "eth0" your will need to change this.
Please check the output of "ifconfig" for your system details.
TIP: Open another terminal session for each of the tools provided with homescan:
cd /opt/homescan
cd /opt/homescan
cd /opt/homescan
Run as a service
sudo cp /opt/homescan/bin/homescan.service /etc/systemd/system/
sudo chmod u+rwx /etc/systemd/system/homescan.service
sudo systemctl enable homescan
sudo systemctl start homescan
Edit your configuration file:
sudo nano /etc/homescan/homescan.ini
(or use notepad++ in windows)
[homescan] broker= This is the IP adress of your MQTT broker Default is port= This is the port that your MQTT server is listening on username= MQTT username. If blank or not specified it will login anonymously password= MQTT password, Only used if username is set.
topic= The topic used to save device status Default is homescan/devices events= The topic used to publish events Default is homescan/events status= The topic used to publish script status (See also offline_message and online_message) Default is homescan/status
timeout= Duration (in minutes) before the script should mark a device as SLEEP During the time between timeout and offline, the script sends Wake-on-LAN packets to attempt to wake up the device. Default: 3 offline= Duration (in minutes) before the script should mark a device as OFFLINE NOTE: This time includes the timeout period and is not on top of it. We recommend that this is set to 1 or 2 minutes longer than timout Default: 5 reaper= Duration (in minutes) before a device is deleted from the database (Time since device was last seen) When set to 0, the reaper will not function and records will never be deleted Default: 10080 (7 days)
interface= REQUIRED The name of the interface used for scanning Default: eth1 subnet= OPTIONAL The script will attempt to identify your address, but this can be used to override this behaviour The network address of your home (Can also be your IP address) Default: mask= OPTIONAL The script will attempt to identify your address, but this can be used to override this behaviour The subnet mask of your network Default:
[messages] added= The message posted to EVENT topic when new device discovered default: ADDED offline= The message posted to STATUS topic when script is offline .OR. The message posted to EVENT topic when device reaches offline duration. Default: DOWN online= The message posted to STATUS topic when script is online .OR. The message posted to EVENT topic when device is online. Default: UP leave= The message posted to EVENT topic when a device reaches reaper duration Default: LEAVE sleep= The message posted to EVENT topic when a device reaches timeout duration Default: SLEEP updated= The message posted to EVENT topic when a device IP or hostname changes Default: UPDATED wake= The message posted to EVENT topic when a device wakes after SLEEP Default: WAKE
sudo service homescan stop
cd /opt/homescan
sudo git fetch
sudo git merge
sudo service homescan start
This script can be used to view all events published to the homescan/events topic.
This script can be used to view all devices published to the homescan/devices topic.
This script can be used to display the state of the homescan application as reported on MQTT topic homescan/homescan_status
Test script for wake on LAN. Arguments: $ wakeonlan []
mac: Mac address in the format 00:00:00:00:00:00
ipv4: Optional IP Address in the format
If mac adddress is provided without IP address and broadcast will be sent.
OSError: [Errno 19] No such device
Check that "interface=" is set to the correct interface for your system. Run "ifconfig" (linux) or "ipconfig" (windows) to check the interfaces on your system. Update configuration file