A bunch of scripts for unraid and linux in general. Most of the scripts i got over the internet and edited them to make them suit my use case. At this point i don't even think i can reference where i got any script from, since they're heavly edited. But I'll try to if i manage to recall the original creator.
A script using mktorrent that makes youre life easier (at least mine) when creating torrents IF you use mktorrent which i highly recommend. The script does the following.
- Create a hardlink for the contents of the folder you wish to create a torrent from.
- Create a folder to store the hardlinks in.
- Rename the folder containing the hardlinked files.
- Figure out the Piece Size for the torrent to make it between 1000-2000 Pieces.
- Run mktorrent.
- Move the created .torrent file to a folder called torrents.
check the docs for how the script actually works and how to use it.