A yet unpublished QGIS plugin to detect intervals of consecutive values
It analizes an text or number attribute of selected features in input layer and rearranges its data into series of continious intervals
An example result
5 intervals in Names:
3295 - 3302, 3318 - 3319, 3327 - 3331, 3344 - 3347, 3349 - 3350
Copy the AttributeIntervals
folder to your QGIS profile python plugins folder e.g. default/python/plugins
Activate it in the Plugins
> Manage and Install Plugins...
As an example you cand use a set of photos and add it via Processing toolbox
> Vector creation
> Import geotagged photos
Choose the field
you need, to use a prefix press Get value
and edit it so you get a repeating value, press Calculate intervals