Added smooth stroking (known to work with Handy & OSR2 devices)
The plugin now starts Intiface automatically
New vibration patterns: Triangle, Pulse, Sawtooth
Added ability to create custom vibration patterns
Each device now has its own latency, update frequency and stroker/vibrator settings
Offline devices are now also configurable in the plugin settings
Vibrators and rotators now also have latency
Strokers and rotators now also have update frequency
Latency compensation no longer causes strokers to stutter on animation speed change
Test buttons now work for all device types
Test buttons now emulate the exact in-game behavior
Fixed chaotic stroker movement when FPS is low
Fixed chaotic stroker movement when character sizes are mismatched
Translated installer to Japanese
[AGH, COM3D2, IO, OA, PH] Extended the orgasm shaking functionality to all games
[KK, KKS] Added support for simple Timeline animations in Studio
[KK, KKS] Fixed compatibility issue with the CrossFader mod
[KK, KKS] Fixed compatibility issue with the HSceneOptions mod
[HS2] Fixed devices not reacting to some climax animations
[OA] The plugin now supports Our Apartment 0.3.1, and no longer supports earlier versions
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