Template for creating a typescript project tested with karma.
$ gradle karmaRun # execute tests
$ gradle compileTypeScript # transpile typescript to javascript. javascript files are created in directory $projectDir/build
$ gradle npmInstall # install node dependencies defined in package.json to $projectDir/node_modules
$ gradle nodeInstall # install nodejs to the directory $projectDir/.gradle/nodejs [issue](https://github.com/srs/gradle-node-plugin/issues/91)
$ gradle clean # deletes the directory $projectDir/build
Tested with 2016.1.3 [idea-IU-145.1617.8]
Karma debugging does not work for me with idea 2016.2.2
- setup Javascript debugging
- setup chrome intellij plugin
- setup nodejs integration
- setup [typescript integration](https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/2016.1/typescript-support.html using tsconfig.json and with enabled compiler)
- setup karma runner
- right click on "karma.conf.js" => debug
- set your breakpoints (GreeterUnitTest.ts)
- break points are hit on page reload of http://localhost:9876/debug.html (should be open in chrome). Sometimes break points are not hit if a test rerun is triggered by Intellij IDEA. I don`t know why :)