A full stack e-commerce clothing app made using MERN stack 👕
- Login/Register using Google account
- Add item to cart
- Delete item from cart
- Payment gateway
- View Orders
- MongoDB
- Express
- React js
- Node js
- React-router-dom
- Material-UI
- Stripe API
- Auth0
- Node js
- Npm
- Stripe Account
- Auth0 Account
Follow the following guide to generate auth0 keys - https://auth0.com/docs/quickstart/spa/react/01-login
To proceed with payment use the test credentials provided by stripe - https://stripe.com/docs/testing
Fork the repo
Clone the repo
- Navigate to e-store
cd e-store
- Setting up backend
cd backend
- Install dependencies
npm install
- On a new terminal window start backend
npm start
- Setting up frontend
cd frontend
- Install dependencies
npm install
- On a new terminal window start frontend
npm start