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Ian Duncan committed Dec 5, 2013
1 parent 3ca9bd1 commit eaf92d9
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Showing 3 changed files with 113 additions and 63 deletions.
13 changes: 12 additions & 1 deletion docker-api.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,6 +19,17 @@ library
exposed-modules: Docker, Docker.Types
-- other-modules:
-- other-extensions:
build-depends: base >=4.6 && <4.7, submarine-easy-api, submarine-uri-templater, aeson, lens, text, conduit, http-conduit, mtl, time, data-default, bytestring
build-depends: base >=4.6 && <4.7,
hs-source-dirs: src
default-language: Haskell2010
119 changes: 57 additions & 62 deletions src/Docker.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,32 +1,33 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
module Docker where
import API (APIClient(..), ClientSettings(..), jsonize)
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Conduit
import URI.TH
import URI.Types
import Data.Aeson (Object)
import Data.Default
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (pack)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 (ByteString)
import Data.Time.Clock
import Docker.Types hiding (path)
import Network.HTTP.Conduit
import Network.HTTP.API hiding (get, put, post, delete)

type Docker p r = (p -> p) -> DockerM r
listContainers :: ListContainerOptions -> DockerM [ContainerSummary]
listContainers opts = get [uri| /containers/json{?opts} |]

listContainers :: Docker ListContainerOptions [ContainerSummary]
listContainers f = get [uri| /containers/json{?opts} |]
where opts = f def

createContainer :: NewContainer -> Docker CreatedContainerResponse
createContainer :: NewContainer -> DockerM CreatedContainerResponse
createContainer = post [uri| /containers/create |]

inspectContainer :: ContainerId -> Docker ContainerInfo
inspectContainer :: ContainerId -> DockerM ContainerInfo
inspectContainer cid = get [uri| /containers/{cid}/json |]

listRunningContainerProcesses :: ContainerId -> PsArgs -> Docker RunningProcesses
listRunningContainerProcesses :: ContainerId -> ListRunningProcessOptions -> DockerM RunningProcesses
listRunningContainerProcesses cid ps_args = get [uri| /containers/{cid}/top{?ps_args} |]

-- Custom client code since docker returns invalid json if no changes exist (docker case 2234)
inspectFilesystemChanges :: ContainerId -> DockerM [FileSystemChange]
Expand All @@ -37,85 +38,79 @@ inspectFilesystemChanges cid = DockerM $ APIClient $ do
if (responseBody resp == ("null" :: ByteString))
then return []
else fmap responseBody $ fromAPIClient $ jsonize resp
exportContainer :: ContainerId -> Docker OutputStream

exportContainer :: ContainerId -> DockerM ByteString
exportContainer cid = get [uri| /containers/{cid}/export |]

startContainer :: ContainerId -> StartSettings -> DockerM ()
startContainer cid = post [uri| /containers/{cid}/start |]

stopContainer :: ContainerId -> Docker StopContainerOptions ()
stopContainer cid f = post [uri| /containers/{cid}/stop{?opts} |] ()
where opts = f def
stopContainer :: ContainerId -> StopContainerOptions -> DockerM ()
stopContainer cid opts = post [uri| /containers/{cid}/stop{?opts} |] ()

restartContainer :: ContainerId -> Docker RestartContainerOptions ()
restartContainer cid f = post [uri| /containers/{cid}/restart{?opts} |] ()
where opts = f def
restartContainer :: ContainerId -> RestartContainerOptions -> DockerM ()
restartContainer cid opts = post [uri| /containers/{cid}/restart{?opts} |] ()

killContainer :: ContainerId -> DockerM ()
killContainer cid = post [uri| /containers/{cid}/kill |] ()
attachContainer :: ContainerId -> Docker AttachOptions OutputStream
attachContainer cid =

attachContainer :: ContainerId -> AttachOptions -> DockerM ByteString
attachContainer cid = error "foo"

awaitContainerExit :: ContainerId -> DockerM StatusCodeResult
awaitContainerExit cid = post [uri| /containers/{cid}/wait |] ()
removeContainer :: ContainerId -> Docker RemoveOptions ()
removeContainer cid f = delete [uri| /containers/{cid}{?opts} |]
where opts = f def

copyFile :: ContainerId -> FilePath -> DockerM OutputStream
removeContainer :: ContainerId -> RemoveContainerOptions -> DockerM ()
removeContainer cid opts = delete [uri| /containers/{cid}{?opts} |]

copyFile :: ContainerId -> FilePath -> DockerM ByteString
copyFile cid = post [uri| /containers/{cid}/copy |]
listImages :: Docker ListImagesOptions [ImageInfo]
listImages f = get [uri| /images/json{?opts} |]
where opts = f def

createImage :: Docker CreateImageOptions CreationStatus
createImage = post [uri| /images/create{?opts} |]
insertFile :: ImageName -> InsertOptions -> Docker InsertionStatus
insertFile = post [uri| /images/{name}/insert{?opts} |]

listImages :: ListImagesOptions -> DockerM [ImageInfo]
listImages opts = get [uri| /images/json{?opts} |]

-- createImage :: CreateImageOptions -> DockerM (Source (ResourceT IO) StatusUpdate)
-- createImage opts = post' [uri| /images/create{?opts} |]

-- insertFile :: ImageName -> InsertOptions -> DockerM (Source (ResourceT IO) StatusUpdate)
-- insertFile name opts = post' [uri| /images/{name}/insert{?opts} |]

inspectImage :: ImageName -> DockerM ImageInfo
inspectImage name = get [uri| /images/{name}/json |]

getImageHistory :: ImageName -> DockerM [HistoryInfo]
getImageHistory name = get [uri| /images/{name}/history |]
pushImage :: ImageName -> Docker PushOptions ()
pushImage = post [uri| /images/{name}/push{?opts} |]

tagImage :: ImageName -> TagOptions -> Docker ()
tagImage = post [uri| /images/{name}/tag{?opts} |]
-- pushImage :: ImageName -> PushOptions -> DockerM (Source (ResourceT IO) StatusUpdate)
-- pushImage name opts = post' [uri| /images/{name}/push{?opts} |]

tagImage :: ImageName -> TagOptions -> DockerM ()
tagImage name opts = post' [uri| /images/{name}/tag{?opts} |]

removeImage :: ImageName -> Docker [DeletionInfo]
removeImage = delete [uri| /images/{name} |]
removeImage :: ImageName -> DockerM [DeletionInfo]
removeImage name = delete [uri| /images/{name} |]

searchImages :: SearchOptions -> Docker [SearchResult]
searchImages = get [uri| /images/search{?opts} |]
searchImages :: SearchOptions -> DockerM [SearchResult]
searchImages opts = get [uri| /images/search{?opts} |]

buildImage :: InputStream -> BuildOptions -> Docker OutputStream
buildImage = post [uri| /build |]
buildImage :: ByteString -> BuildOptions -> DockerM ByteString
buildImage stream opts = post [uri| /build{?opts} |] stream

checkAuthConfiguration :: Docker AuthInfo
checkAuthConfiguration :: AuthInfo -> DockerM Bool
checkAuthConfiguration = post [uri| /auth |]

getSystemInformation :: DockerM SystemInfo
getSystemInformation = get [uri| /info |]

getDockerVersionInformation :: DockerM VersionInfo
getDockerVersionInformation = get [uri| /version |]
commitImageChanges :: CommitOptions -> Docker CommittedImage
commitImageChanges = post [uri| /commit{?opts} |]

getEvents :: UTCTime -> Docker [Event]
getEvents t = get [uri| /events{?since} |]
where since =
commitImageChanges :: CommitOptions -> DockerM CommittedImage
commitImageChanges opts = post' [uri| /commit{?opts} |]

getEventStream :: Docker (Stream Event)
getEventStream = get [uri| /events |]
getEvents :: UTCTime -> DockerM [Event]
getEvents t = get [uri| /events{?since} |]
where since = t

-- getEventStream :: DockerM (Source (ResourceT IO) Event)
-- getEventStream = get [uri| /events |]
44 changes: 44 additions & 0 deletions src/Docker/Types.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -281,10 +281,54 @@ instance ToTemplateValue CreateImageOptions AssociativeListElement where

instance ToTemplateValue StopContainerOptions AssociativeListElement where
toTemplateValue x = mkAssoc x [ val "t" t ]

instance ToTemplateValue RestartContainerOptions AssociativeListElement where
toTemplateValue x = mkAssoc x [ val "t" t ]

instance ToTemplateValue ListImagesOptions AssociativeListElement where
toTemplateValue x = mkAssoc x [ val "all" all ]

instance ToTemplateValue ListRunningProcessOptions AssociativeListElement where
toTemplateValue x = mkAssoc x
[ val "ps_args" psArgs

instance ToTemplateValue RemoveContainerOptions AssociativeListElement where
toTemplateValue x = mkAssoc x
[ val "v" removeVolumes

instance ToTemplateValue TagOptions AssociativeListElement where
toTemplateValue x = mkAssoc x
[ val' "repo" repo
, val "force" force

instance ToTemplateValue SearchOptions AssociativeListElement where
toTemplateValue x = mkAssoc x
[ val' "term" term

instance ToTemplateValue BuildOptions AssociativeListElement where
toTemplateValue x = mkAssoc x
[ val' "t" repoAndTag
, val "q" suppressVerboseOutput
, val "nocache" noCache

instance ToTemplateValue CommitOptions AssociativeListElement where
toTemplateValue x = mkAssoc x
[ val' "container" container
, val' "repo" repo
, val "tag" tag
, val "m" message
, val "author" author
, val "run" run

instance ToTemplateValue UTCTime SingleElement where
toTemplateValue = Single . show . (\x -> (round x) :: Int) . utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds

instance ToTemplateValue Text SingleElement where
toTemplateValue = Single . unpack

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