When state machine meets interactor. InterstateMachine is a simple state machine which use interactors to trigger transitions. Long story short, an object receives an event which is a interactor and you can do fantastic things with interactors. What is an interactor? "An interactor is a simple, single-purpose object."
gem install interstate_machine
gem 'interstate_machine', '~> 1.0.0'
class Order
include InterstateMachine
attr_accessor :state
initial_state :cart
transition_table :cart, :payment, :complete do
on event: :next do |event|
allow event: event, transition_to: [:payment], from: [:cart]
on event: :complete, transition_to: [:complete], from: [:payment]
When including InterstateMachine
in an ActiveRecord class, it does not need any attr_accessor to store the state.
is where the state machine rules and states are defined.
Each event represent an Interactor
that is called to process the transition.
can take a block which defines different transition(rules) for the same event or a single transition
In addition to the class where you define the state machine, you also need to create interactors for each event.
In this case we have an event next
that could trigger many transitions(:cart, :address, :payment and so on) so we define an interactors for each of them.
, Complete
. Yes, when an event triggers a transition to a single state and it's not a block, you have to name the class like the event name.
In a normal checkout you proably have something like NextAddress
, NextDelivery
, NextPayment
, NextConfirm
, Complete
class NextPayment
include Interactor
before :ensure_line_item
def call
# update order totals ..
def ensure_line_item
context.fail!(error: 'you need to add a product!') unless context.object.line_items.present?
Note: You can use all the interactor magic (before, around, after) hooks. Whoop!
You can access the class where you have included InterstateMachine with context.object
When transition is allowed:
order = Order.new
#=> :payment
When transition can't happen because something wrong executing the event
order = Order.new
#=> 'you need to add a product!'
When transition is no allowed
order = Order.new
#=> :cart
#=> RuntimeError Exception:
Feel free to play around, fork, add, pull request, and get a hug. If you decide to pull request please add tests