What's Changed
- Received lock state from ST app is not correctly displayed in log window by @bahubali-bg in #131
- auto-yes when apt installation by @dooho-lee in #133
- add file picture of esp dev kit for README update by @ejunu in #132
- Update README.md by @ejunu in #136
- spinbox function add in window covering by @gdinolee in #129
- [AutoOnboarding] Fix result dialog issue by @spdkimo in #135
- [AutoOnboarding] OnFabricRemoved event is not handled by @spdkimo in #137
- update bin/lib by @junyong-sim in #139
- changed init position value by @jinwon0325kim in #140
- Updated wpan interface with high metric. by @bahubali-bg in #143
- [AutoOnboarding] Fix force close issue by @spdkimo in #142
- fix to support multiple ble dongle and to use 21-digits paring code by @dooho-lee in #146
- Unable to select device type options by @bahubali-bg in #148
- bug fix about multi bt usage by @dooho-lee in #150
- refactoring for auto_onboarding by @jinwon0325kim in #152
- add automation screen png by @ejunu in #153
- refactoring for automation by @jinwon0325kim in #154
- in single bt mode, without bluetooth restart, subsequent BLE re-connections failed. by @dooho-lee in #156
Full Changelog: 0.3.0...0.4.0