Run flask service and see root directory for automatically generated swagger documentation
All responses will have the form of a JSON response with a tag of 'Total' followed the sum result
"Total": "Sum integer value of the list passed"
GET /total
200 OK
on success400 BAD
on invalid list being passed
NB: Default list function numbers = list(range(10000001))
provides sum result as seen below
"Total": "50000005000000"
POST /total
a list of integers to be summed
"List": "[1, 2, 3]"
200 OK
on success400 BAD
on invalid list being passed
"Total": "6"
List passed is assumed to only contain integers and no floats. Although, basic error handling has been put in place. The application was developed using a virtual environment (VENV) in Pycharm; Rather than a Docker container as the system is not expected to be deployed on scale.