Whenever you commit to this repository, GitHub Pages will run Jekyll to rebuild the pages in your site, from the content in your Markdown files.
Best Practices Page - First activity of the Avion main course, This page gives information about a practice that is considered wise or best being a Software Engineer or Programmer.
Letter Activity - This page has been a good practice for the original use/purpose of HTML which is to "Mark-up" documents especially in the academic field.
Tribute Page Project - I created a Tribute Page for my Favorite Theologian, Dr. R.C Sproul, also got to practice more of CSS on this one.
Chess Board Flexbox - This chessboard is done using Flexbox display style.
Chess Board Grid - I used the same style of the previous chessboard, I've edited images for the chess pieces, and used grid layout for the boxes this time.
Product Landing Page - This is one of the final activities for HTML/CSS, I've tried different styles that I've learned so far, and also made sure the user stories are achieved.
Survey Form - This is the final activity for HTML/CSS, I've just sticked to the user stories laid out.
JavaScript Calculator - The first project using JavaScript DOM, this is quite challenging to do because the concept can be confusing. but so far, I believe it works fine.
BMI Exercise - An Exercise for Javascript variables and boolean.
- Playing Cards Exercise - In this exercise I practiced how to use JavaScript/Custom functions, and use different ways to work with arrays.
- Playing Cards with UI - This is the continuation of the playing cards related exercise, it has buttons with different function, and I get to practice Array functions more.
- HTML5 Console Quiz - A console HTML5 quiz using JavaScript Arrays and functions.
- Pig Game Activity - The first pair-programming activity with my classmate Lyndon Cortez, this involves use of git and javascript functions.
- Book Store Activity - A Book Store console program having book adding, restocking and selling, uses Objects and array concepts.
- Banking App Project - A pair programming project with Dave Mendoza, this is a Banking App using Javascript with DOM Manipulation and localStorage.
- AnimeLeaf - Final Project for Front-end development (uses Jikan API).
- WriteUp - Journal App - A Journal/Planner App Using Ruby on Rails with 'Devise'gem for account authentication and Bootstrap CSS.
- Peddler - Stock Trading App - A Stock Trading App Using Ruby on Rails with 'Devise'gem for account authentication, IEX Finance API for stocks information and Tailwind CSS.
- ArtPark (On-going) 'Code URL' - Final Project for Back-end, an application for buying and selling of Artworks and commission contacts using Ruby on Rails with 'Devise' gem for account authentication and Tailwind CSS.