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Welcome to Online Bookstore Project!

This project was designed to automate routine tasks in a bookstore. All necessary business logic was implemented using the technology stack described below.

In this case, the ability to view lists of all books, view information about the selected book, add products to the cart and place an order is implemented. Also, users can manage their shopping cart according to their needs.
In addition, functionality for administrators/managers was implemented. That is, a person with appropriate rights can create new categories, books, and update them. Get information about any user's order and change their statuses.
Also, Spring Boot Security was used in the project, which made it possible to implement the possibility of registration, login and access to data by roles using a jwt token.

You can read more about the project and functionality below.

Project Description

in this project we used the following technologies:


In this project, we used Java version 17 as the main programming language.

Spring Boot

A powerful framework for building Java-based applications.

Spring Data JPA

Simplifies data access and persistence with JPA (Java Persistence API).

Spring Security

Enables robust and secure authentication and authorization mechanisms.


Provides API documentation.


Utilization of a relational database to store information about:

* accommodations;
* users;
* addresses;
* bookings;
* payments.


Used for containerization of the application and database.


Reduces boilerplate code with annotations.


Simplifies object mapping between DTOs and entities.


Ensures the application database is updated along with the application code.

Database Architecture


Description of roles

In this project, users can be unauthenticated, and authorized with the following roles: USER and ADMIN


Unauthenticated users can register in the database using the register endpoint, and authenticate using login.


The USER role has the following capabilities:

  • Get a list of all categories;
  • Get a description of the category by its Id;
  • Get a list of all books by the selected category;
  • Get a list of all books;
  • Get information about the selected book by id;
  • Get information about the status and contents of the shopping cart at the moment;
  • Add the selected book with the selected quantity to the shopping cart (if such quantity is available, otherwise - the user will be warned);
  • Update the number of the selected book;
  • Remove the item from the cart completely;
  • Create an order based on the shopping cart;
  • Get a list of all orders with a description. The list will include all orders of the current user only;
  • Get information about your own order by specific id;
  • Get an item by a specific id from an order with a specific id.


The "ADMIN" role includes all functions available to the user, and additionally, has the following advanced capabilities:

  • Create new categories and their description;
  • Update information about the selected category;
  • Delete the entire category by id;
  • Create a new book, assign it to certain categories;
  • Update information about the book (including the amount in stock);
  • Delete a book by id;
  • Change the status of a specific order (NEW, CANCELED, PREPARING, PENDING, ON_THE_WAY, DELIVERED, COMPLETED).


Endpoints for Registration and Authentication for Users

Method Endpoint Description Role
POST /api/auth/register Register new user by providing required details Anyone
POST /api/auth/login Authenticate user by email and password, returning JWT token if valid credentials Anyone

Endpoints for Managing Shopping Cart

Method Endpoint Description Role
GET /api/cart Retrieve user's shopping cart USER
POST /api/cart Add a book to the shopping cart USER
PUT /api/cart/cart-items/{id} Update quantity of a book in the shopping cart USER
DELETE /api/cart/cart-items/{id} Remove a book from the shopping cart USER

Endpoints for Managing Orders

Method Endpoint Description Role
GET /api/orders Retrieve all orders for the current user USER
POST /api/orders Place an order from the user's shopping cart USER
PATCH /api/orders/{id} Change the status of an order by specifying its id ADMIN
GET /api/orders/{id}/items Retrieve an order by specifying its id USER
GET /api/orders/{orderId}/items/{id} Retrieve an order item by specifying its id USER

Endpoints for Managing Categories

Method Endpoint Description Role
GET /api/categories Get a list of available categories USER
POST /api/categories Create a new category ADMIN
GET /api/categories/{id} Get a category by ID USER
PUT /api/categories/{id} Update a category by ID ADMIN
DELETE /api/categories/{id} Delete a category by ID ADMIN
GET /api/categories/{id}/books Receive a list of books by category id USER

Endpoints for Managing Books

Method Endpoint Description Role
GET /api/books Get a list of available books USER
GET /api/books/{id} Get a book by ID USER
POST /api/books Create a new book ADMIN
DELETE /api/books/{id} Delete a book by ID ADMIN
PUT /api/books/{id} Update a book by ID ADMIN

Quick Start

  1. Install Docker: Install Docker

  2. Clone this repository:

    git clone "repo link"
    cd online-book-store
  3. Create a .env file in the root of the project. Use .env.sample as a reference. Add necessary environment variables.

  4. Build the application:

    mvn clean package
  5. Build and start the Docker containers:

    docker-compose build && docker-compose up
  6. Test with Swagger: Open http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html in your browser.

The application should be running locally at http://localhost:8080.

For additional information or inquiries, please contact:


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