A simple, interactive guessing game built with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. The game generates a random number between 1 and 100, and players have to guess the number by entering their guesses into the input field.
- How to Play
- Enter a number between 1 and 100.
- Click "Make Your Guess!" to submit your guess.
- The game provides feedback:
Red text if you've guessed the correct number (Bingo!).
Green text if you're close to the correct number:
-> Within 10: “Very close! You’re within 10 of the number!”
-> Within 30: “Close! You’re within 30 of the number!”
Blue text if your guess is far from the target number.
- Features
Dynamic Color Feedback: Text color changes based on the proximity of your guess, making the game more intuitive and visually engaging. Responsive Design: Styled with CSS for a clean, user-friendly interface. Hint System: Hints indicate if your guess is higher or lower than the target number, guiding you toward the answer.
- Technologies Used
. JavaScript