Starter theme to help you jump start coding custom WordPress themes
- Download the MASTER branch. DO NOT CLONE
- Rename the theme folder to match the project name
- Create a theme screenshot.png file using screenshot.psd
- Create favicon.png and favicon.ico files at the root
- Run
node -v
anywhere in terminal to check if you have Node.js installed in your system. If not, Download Node.js and install - Install grunt
npm install grunt
- Install all the required packages to run grunt tasks
cd /path/to/your/wp-content/themes/theme-name/source
npm install
- Update theme name, theme URI and description in sass/style.scss file
- Compile all the sass and js files using grunt
cd /path/to/your/wp-content/themes/theme-name/source
All the sass files are created inside the source/sass/partials/ folder and its sub-folders. All the js files are divided into two folders source/js/plugins and source/js/custom. Grunt will compile all the source/sass/partials/.scss files into a file named style.css and source/js/plugins/.js files into js/plugins.js file and source/js/custom/.js files into js/custom.js file
Contains additional files and code. It can be used to copy paste files or code to your theme should you need it. Checkout its readme file