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Build infrastructure tasks

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We collect here Tasks and pipelines used by the build infrastructure.


In this repository are also stored Plans, that automate execution of specific tasks.

Plans are special types of tasks marked by an extra field ( planned ) which is indicating in a cron-style syntax when a task is recurring.

They are triggered automatically from the build infrastructure, used typically to start nightly build pipelines for releasing ISOs, repository/package build, Docker images, Vagrant box generation, etc..

This repository is parsed by Replicant which deploys the master branch to the main Sabayon Build Infrastructure automatically.

Tasks from Makefile

$# make help
 Sabayon Infra Tasks
docker-mottainai      Create tasks for build Mottainai Docker images.
validate              Run replicant validation.
deploy                Run replicant ensure.
webhooks              Update Mottainai WebHooks.
kernel-tracker        Create task for Kernel bumps.
tasks                 Create all tasks YAML files (from templates).
mottainai-ebuild-tag  Create Mottainai ebuild tags from develop.
bump-atom             Bump atom to our overlay. Default sabayon-distro.
tag-server            TBD
repo-remove-pkgs      Create task for remove packages from a specific
                      repository. (Only ARM for now).
repo-create-pkgs      Create task for force compilation of the packages
                      related to a specific stage and repo.
                      (Only ARM for now).
scr-tasks             Create all tasks YAML files (from templates) for 
                      SCR repos.
scr-mirrors-sync      Sync SCR mirrors files.
repo-compare-pkgs     Compare pkgs of repository with build files definition.
repo-compare-bins     Compare pkgs under binhost directory with build files

Sync Enman SCR mirrors

$# make scr-mirrors-sync

Compare a specific repository with target build mission

$# REPOSITORY=core make repo-compare-pkgs

Compare a specific repository with binhost files not available as targets

$# REPOSITORY=core make repo-compare-bins

Drop packages from a repository

$# REPOSITORY=base PKGS="dev-lang/spidermonkey-52.9.1_pre1" make repo-remove-pkgs 
Removing pkgs dev-lang/spidermonkey-52.9.1_pre1 from repo base (arm)...
wrote 3220 bytes
Task 2667161879618085149 has been created
Live log:  mottainai-cli task attach 2667161879618085149
Information:  mottainai-cli task show 2667161879618085149
Build Log:
Env Variable Default Description
TASK_LXD 1 Run task inside LXD executor
TASK_QUEUE - Override default Task Queue. For example for run task to a specific node.
FILTER_BINHOST_ARTEFACTS - Clean repository binhost directory and remove packages filtered. By default only report is created.
REPO_ARCH arm Choice architecture of the task.

Force compilation of a list of packages for a repository

$# REPOSITORY=core PKGS=sys-devel/gcc STAGING_PHASE=staging1 make repo-create-pkgs
Force compilation of pkgs sys-devel/gcc to repo core (arm-staging1)...
wrote 2123 bytes

There are additional options available:

Env Variable Default Description
TASK_LXD 1 Run task inside LXD executor
TASK_QUEUE - Override default Task Queue. For example for run task to a specific node.
OVERRIDE_BUILDER_JOBS - Permit to override sark jobs option. For task where compilation is very long you need override default value to 1 to disable quiet mode.
STAGING_PHASE - Choice target staging namespace.

How to start tasks/pipelines

To run any task inside of this repository, refer to the documentation, but it boils down to:


To run a task defined in this repository, is sufficient to:

  mottainai-cli task create --yaml <task.yaml>

or, alternatively, if the task is defined in json, you can:

  mottainai-cli task create --json <task.json>


To run a pipeline defined in this repository, is sufficient to:

  mottainai-cli pipeline create --yaml <pipeline.yaml>

or, alternatively, if the task is defined in json, you can:

  mottainai-cli pipeline create --json <pipeline.json>


Usually you don't need to load the plans manually, use replicant for this:

  git clone tasks
  replicant environment deploy -e tasks