This is the repository of the 4th assigment at STAT547
This assignment consisted in modifying this provided pipeline into a new want that perform new tasks.
The changes are:
Create a second report called report 2 on pdf format which contains:
A barplot with the counts of words that start by each different letter of the alphabeth.
The data of most and less common inital letter
The counts of words that start with the different vowels
Add 4 different phony targets
to create/delete the two types of report.
These changes can be watched at the following files:
Name | Content |
Makefile | Creation of files: report2.pdf , barplot.png , vowels_count.tsv . The lines for phony targets all and clear were updated. Four new phony targets added. |
barplot.R | The R script that generates the outputs barplot.png and barplot_dat.tsv | | The python script that produces the output vowels_count.tsv |
report2.Rmd | The Rmarkdown file that generates the second report in pdf format |