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- Week 1:
- Linear Classifiers & Logistic Regression
- decision boundaries
- linear classifiers
- class probability
- logistic regression
- impact of coefficient values on logistic regression output
- 1-hot encoding
- multiclass classification using the 1-versus-all
- Predicting sentiment from product reviews
- Linear Classifiers & Logistic Regression
- Week 2:
- Learning Linear Classifiers
- Maximum likelihood estimation
- Gradient ascent algorithm for learning logistic regression classifier
- Choosing step size for gradient ascent/descent
- (VERY OPTIONAL LESSON) Deriving gradient of logistic regression
- Implementing logistic regression from scratch
- Overfitting & Regularization in Logistic Regression
- Overfitting in classification
- Overconfident predictions due to overfitting
- L2 regularized logistic regression
- Sparse logistic regression
- Implementing Logistic Regression with L2 regularization
- Learning Linear Classifiers
- Week 3:
- Decision Trees
- Predicting loan defaults with decision trees
- Learning decision trees
- Recursive greedy algorithm
- Learning a decision stump
- Selecting best feature to split on
- When to stop recursing
- Using the learned decision tree
- Traverse a decision tree to make predictions: Majority class predictions; Probability predictions; Multiclass classification
- Learning decision trees with continuous inputs
- Threshold splits for continuous inputs
- (OPTIONAL) Picking the best threshold to split on
- Identifying safe loans with decision trees
- Implementing binary decision trees from scratch
- Decision Trees
- Week 4
- Overfitting in decision trees
- Identify when overfitting in decision trees
- Prevent overfitting with early stopping
- Limit tree depth
- Do not consider splits that do not reduce classification error
- Do not split intermediate nodes with only few points
- Prevent overfitting by pruning complex trees
- Use a total cost formula that balances classification error and tree complexity
- Use total cost to merge potentially complex trees into simpler ones
- Decision Trees in Practice for preventing overfitting
- Handling missing data
- Describe common ways to handling missing data:
- Skip all rows with any missing values
- Skip features with many missing values
- Impute missing values using other data points
- Modify learning algorithm (decision trees) to handle missing data:
- Missing values get added to one branch of split
- Use classification error to determine where missing values go
- Describe common ways to handling missing data:
- Overfitting in decision trees
- Week 5
- Boosting
- Identify notion ensemble classifiers
- Formalize ensembles as the weighted combination of simpler classifiers
- Outline the boosting framework – sequentially learn classifiers on weighted data
- Describe the AdaBoost algorithm
- Learn each classifier on weighted data
- Compute coefficient of classifier
- Recompute data weights
- Normalize weights
- Implement AdaBoost to create an ensemble of decision stumps
- Discuss convergence properties of AdaBoost & how to pick the maximum number of iterations T
- Exploring Ensemble Methods with pre-implemented gradient boosted trees
- Implement your own boosting module
- Boosting
- Week 6
- Evaluating classifiers: Precision & Recall
- Classification accuracy/error are not always right metrics
- Precision captures fraction of positive predictions that are correct
- Recall captures fraction of positive data correctly identified by the model
- Trade-off precision & recall by setting probability thresholds
- Plot precision-recall curves.
- Compare models by computing precision at k
- Exploring precision and recall
- Evaluating classifiers: Precision & Recall
- Week 7
- Scaling to Huge Datasets & Online Learning
- Significantly speedup learning algorithm using stochastic gradient
- Describe intuition behind why stochastic gradient works
- Apply stochastic gradient in practice
- Describe online learning problems
- Relate stochastic gradient to online learning
- Training Logistic Regression via Stochastic Gradient Ascent
- Scaling to Huge Datasets & Online Learning