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External Libraries

shibboleet edited this page Aug 26, 2023 · 1 revision

Super Mario Galaxy 1 statically links libraries from various places to build the final DOL. Below is a table that describes all of the libraries statically linked into the binary.

Library Language Description
JSystem C++ A library meant to handle primitive types, heaps, linked lists, and 3D models.
MetroTRK C / Assembly A library that is meant to serve as a debugger to the Target Resident Kernel.
MSL_C C The standard library that ships with CodeWarrior. Similar to STL.
MSL_C++ C++ The standard library that ships with CodeWarrior. Similar to MSL_C, but has C++ standard library types.
nw4r C++ NintendoWare 4 Revolution. Is only used for layouts in Super Mario Galaxy 1.
Runtime C / C++ / Assembly Defines functions that relate to runtime information, such as static ctors, etc...
RVL_SDK C / Assembly The SDK for Wii. Contains "OS" functions, DVD reading, and more.
RVLFaceLib C Contains functions and structures for Mii data.
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