Sample applications and jupyter notebooks using the official python wrapper for the Basler pylon Camera Software Suite.
This is a companion repository to pypylon
Please Note: This project is offered with no technical support by Basler AG. You are welcome to post any questions or issues on GitHub or on ImagingHub.
- Some of the content was part of the Basler webinar about pypylon. You can watch this to get more in depth information about pylon SDK and pypylon. Please check for the recording at Basler PyPylon Webinar
- As the feature names of basler cameras differ slightly between e.g. Basler ace USB and Basler ace GEV, it is noted at the samples or notebooks for which camera family the sample applies.
- The python requirements to run the jupyter notebooks and samples are listed in requirements.txt
- Low overhead image capturing in a virtual line scan setup USB_linescan_performance_demo_opencv
Device enumeration and configuration basics deviceenumeration_and_configuration
Demonstration of different grab strategies grabstrategies
How to handle multicamera setups in pypylon multicamera
Using hardware trigger and access image chunks ( USB ) hw_trigger_and_chunks
Low overhead image capturing in a virtual line scan setup and display in notebook ( USB ) USB_linescan_performance_demo_opencv_notebook
Exposure bracketing using the sequencer feature of ace devices ( USB) USB_HDR_exposure_sequencer
Pull requests to pypylon-samples are very welcome. e.g. generic samples that demonstrate interaction with GUI toolkits, as we typically only use Qt.
- info table missing that clearly identifies which samples work for which camera model