#ckanext-location This extension is meant to add location fields at the end of csv field when they are uploaded and contain addresses.
Requires CKAN Version 2.7.2 or higher.
##Installation Instructions
- Add the ckanext-location folder in the same folder as your other extensions
- Make sure your virtualenv is activated :
. /usr/lib/ckan/default/bin/activate
- Change to the extension’s directory :
cd /usr/lib/ckan/default/src/ckanext-location
- Install the extension by running :
python setup.py develop
- And add the following to your ckan.ini:
ckan.plugins = ... location
##How it works
When uploading a new csv resource to a dataset, fill the fields address,
city and zipcode fields with the number of the column corresponding
to these in your file and click Add
, the file will be automatically
processed and latitude and longitude columns will be added at the end of your file,
giving you the coordinates of each address.
##Language management
- To add new translation, make sure you have babel install in your virtual environment, if not run :
pip install --upgrade Babel
- Change to the language folder :
cd /usr/lib/ckan/default/src/ckanext-location/ckanext/location/i18n
- Create the file setup.cfg:
nano setup.cfg
- Copy and paste it in :
keywords = translate isPlural
add_comments = TRANSLATORS:
output_file = ckanext/location/i18n/ckanext-location.pot
width = 80
domain = ckanext-location
input_file = ckanext/location/i18n/ckanext-location.pot
output_dir = ckanext/location/i18n
domain = ckanext-location
input_file = ckanext/location/i18n/ckanext-location.pot
output_dir = ckanext/location/i18n
domain = ckanext-location
directory = ckanext/location/i18n
statistics = true
- Change to the folder :
- Generate the translation file :
python setup.py extract_messages
- Generate the french file :
python setup.py init_catalog -l fr
- Translate your strings
- Compile your file :
python setup.py compile_catalog
And you're done !