General description - This is a number guessing game, where the user has 3 attempts to guess the right number between 1 and 10 (both included).
Technology used - HTML5, CSS and Vanilla JavaScript
**Framework used ** - Skeleton CSS. For more information on Skeleton, visit [Skeleton] (
Game description - 1. The user has 3 attempts to guess the right number between 1 and 10 (inclusive). The correct number is generated using Math.random().
When the user clicks to check their answer, they will be notified whether they got the right or the wrong answer.
If the answer is correct, user will be shown the "success" message and they can use the same "play again" button to play the game again.
If the answer is incorrect, the user will be shown a "failure" message, along with the number of attempts left to get the right answer.
After all attempts are used, the user will be shown the correct answer, and the "play again" button can be used to play the game again.
Note - As mentioned above, I don't have a CSS stylesheet, because I have used Skeleton CSS and imported its classes into my application.