First Edit (07/15/2022) -
General Description - This is a news grid website for a newspaper that covers news about different areas of journalism like world news, sports news, science and technology news etc.
Technology used - HTML5 and CSS (with responsive media queries)
CSS technology - CSS Grid to align elements, CSS custom properties to reuse code, separate media queries for mobile devices and tablets
Website description -
The project has 3 HTML pages -
a. index.html - This is the home page, which the user first sees when they open the website. This page has a header section, main section and a footer section
b. about.html - This page has the markup for the about page.
c. article.html - This page has the markup for the article.
The project has 2 CSS files-
a. style.css - It is the global stylesheet which styles all elements assuming the normal screen size.
b. mobile.css - It changes the global style sheet according to the screen width, with separate media queries for mobile devices and tablets.