First Edit (03/15/2022) -
General description - This is a website for a financial assistance company called EdgeLedger (a madeup name). In this website I have incorporated what I learned about CSS in the last few weeks, like CSS Flexbox, CSS variables (or custom properties) and responsive media queries.
Technology used - HTML5 and CSS (with media queries)
Main CSS technology used - Flexbox to align elements, CSS variables to reuse code, responsive media queries for screen size less than 768px (tablets and smartphones)
Website description -
The project has 3 HTML pages-
a. index.html - It is the home page, which the user first sees. It has all the sections of the website like about, contact info etc.
b. blog_homepage.html - Here we have the markup for the blog homepage, which is one of my inner page. The blog section on the home page leads us to this page.
c. post.html - Here we have the markup for a blog written by company's president. The post section on the blog homepage leads us to this page.
The project has 4 CSS files-
a. home_style.css - It contains all the styling of the home page.
b. blog_style.css - It has all the styling for the blog homepage.
c. post_style.css - It has all the styling for the blog itself.
d. tablet.css - It is a media query and has styling for device width less than 768px.