Deployments - Link
A selections of guides for understanding the processes and concepts associated with deploying your applications to a cloud-based hosting solutions.
Topics include:
- Github pages deployment
- Deploying a MEN app to Heroku
- Deploying a Front End React application to Netlify
- Deploying a Full-stack Python & Django application to Heroku
Additional topics include:
- Configuring a MongoDB Atlas account
- Using a node REPL
- An overview of different code environments
- Environment variables in Node and React
Computer Science - Link
A selections of reference topics and exercises that integrate with General Assembly's myGA video lesson and exercise content. The majority of the CS content will be reviewed in classes, but others may require review after the course.
Topics include:
- Overview of Computer Science topics
- Evaluating Algorithms and computer processes
- Sorting & Search Algorithms
- Data Structures
- Additional technical interview topics
Code Reviews - Link
A selection of rubrics used when (self-)evaluating unit projects. These will be used by the instructional team to assess if a developer/team's project meets the requirements for advancing in the course.