As with learning any new, life-long skill - learning to code and changing careers to software development IS A MARATHON, NOT A SPRINT! You won’t reach the finish line as quickly if you exhaust yourself too early.
The pace of this course is intense, but as we move towards the final weeks - it is key that you try to not grind it out. While you may cross the line, you will also be exhausted and require longer to recover. You might even be ‘burned out’ - lacking the passion necessary to dedicate to building your portfolio, expanding your network and applying for opportunities.
Moving ahead towards capstone, be ambitious AND realistic about what is achievable for you, with the time you have left.
It might feel like you have SO MUCH more to learn, which is true, but your ambitious should not result in you exhausting your passion to learn. It is essential that you acknowledge that you have learned SO MUCH already, and will continue to learn during the capstone and after!
- There are countless languages and features to work on. You’ll always have more things you want to add or learn. And you have an entire career to learn them.
- Remember the desire to get that one more feature included and working is normal and a good thing! It’s just counterproductive if you are losing a lot of sleep or causing physical or mental health issues in order to do those final stretch features.
- Many top former students took much longer in finding a job because of burnout. It not only affects your performance here, more importantly, it negatively affects your career transition.
- This work is hard. The features we work on become MUCH MUCH easier to do when we do them slowly, one at a time while rested, and feeling fresh as opposed to at the end of a long night. Yes, on occasion we work long days but those should not become the norm!
- Make sure to get 6-8 hours of sleep (at least 5 nights a week)
- Take regular breaks during your coding / research days
- Treat yourself to some fun activity on weekends, or better, nurture your hobbies/social connections throughout the week!
- Reach out to your instructor or SX specialist to discuss other strategies to replenish your energies.