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  1. App Site:
  2. Community services repos:
    1. UI:
    2. API:
  3. Project Board:
  4. Introduction website

Steps to start developing

There are two options available to begin working on the Community Services Locator UI project. The first option is to install nvm (node) locally on your machine, install node 10, and follow other various steps to get setup. This option does not require docker to be installed on your local environment.

The other option available is to run the application using a Docker container.

The first thing to do regardless of the direction you decide to go is to follow the steps outlined in the Common Setup Steps section.

Common Setup Steps

  1. Clone the code base.
  2. cd into the root of the directory for this project (i.e., the directory this file is in).
  3. Follow the instructions here to set up a new Google Maps project, including creating an API key.
  4. Run the command cp .env.example .env.
  5. Edit the .env file, changing the MAP_KEY value to your Google Maps API key.

Manual Development Environment Setup

  1. Download nvm.
  2. Install node 10.
  3. Run the following command npm i - installs all node dependencies.
  4. To start locally run the following command npm run dev.

Dockerized Development Environment Setup

  1. Install Docker Community Edition (CE) for your development environment. Windows | Mac
  2. From the root of the project (i.e. the directory this README file is in), run the command cd docker-development-env && make install && cd...

After following either of the setup instructions above, you will be able to access the application by navigating to http://localhost:3000.

Setting up .env

The .env file is a file that is only used in development to set temporary values so each developer has the option to use unique values for different config settings. Make sure you copy the .env.example and rename it to .env for webpack to use the values in that file.

  • MAP_KEY Used for the Google Maps API Key

    • default: null
  • API_BASE Used for the base URL to the Mid-Ohio Food Back API, this can be replaced with http://localhost:[port] to use the mofb-api that is running on your local machine

    • default:

Accessing Google Analytics

Please contact someone on the #scode Slack channel to get access to the Google Analytics. It is by invite only.

Navigating the folder structure

  • public Contains all statically served files which are copied to dist on build
  • src
    • renderer Contains the code for the UI
      • components Contains the simple components the application uses (ie: Button, CustomAppBar, Icon, etc).
      • containers Containers that have multiple components that can be reused between different scenes
      • scenes The main code specific to each page view. This can contain containers & components. Also contains app routes and route components for the router.
        • index.jsx Map of the route components
        • router.js Define all pages/routes here
      • redux contains all redux code
        • middleware Code for changes that need to be made during routing changes (ie fetch more data from the server, etc)
        • modules Individual modules containing redux operations
    • scss global styles
      • _buttons.scss contains button styles
      • _colors.scss contains color helper classes
      • _flex.scss contains flex box helper classes
      • _shadows.scss generates the Material Design shadow helper classes
      • _spacing.scss contains spacing (margin/padding helper classes)
      • _typography.scss contains text formatting helpers
      • _utilities.scss contains miscellaneous style utilities
      • _variables.scss contains all scss variables
        • colors, base padding, navbar height, shadows, border radius
      • _zindex.scss contains all z-index levels for components
      • styles.scss main stylesheet
    • utils javascript utilities
      • general.js General javascript utilities

Redux done with Paths

This repository does not follow the traditional approach to redux. This repository abstracts away the boilerplate of actions & reducers. Those have been replaced with two actions and paths.


  1. setstate - used to set a specific piece of the store
    • usage: setstate(value, [path-to-state])
  2. select - used to grab a specific piece of the store
    • usage: select([path-to-state], store)


Paths are just arrays that traverse the store to the specific piece of state the user needs to access (grab/set).

Store Example

// import the modules to select from and commit to store
import { select, setstate } from 'redux-modules/general';
import App from 'src/renderer';

const { store } = App;

// example store object
// store.getState() === {
//   toDo: {
//     list: [],
//     dummy: 'test',
//   },
// };

// set path variables
const toDo = ['toDo'];
const pathToList = [...toDo, 'list'];
const dummyPath = [...toDo, 'dummy'];

// grab piece of the store
const grabValue = select(pathToList, store.getState());

// grabValue === []

// set piece of store
store.dispatch(setstate('newValue', dummyPath));

// store.getState() === {
//    toDo: {
//      list: [],
//      dummy: 'newValue'
//    }
// }

CSS Helpers

There are lots of helper classes for styling/positioning available for better design/ui.


Use the following classes to change text alignment

  • .text-center
  • .text-left
  • .text-right

Use the following classes to change text size

  • .text-big
  • .text-small

Make text underlined

  • .text-underline

Wrap text with line breaks

  • .wrap-lines


There are margin and padding helpers for the following pixel counts: 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 150, 200, 300

To give an element a margin on all sides just use the helper class m15 which will add a margin of 15px on each side.

Padding is done the same way but with a p15 class.

If you want to target a single side for margin or padding you can add another letter after the m or p to indicate which side you want:

  • ml5 = margin-left: 5px;
  • mr5 = margin-right: 5px;
  • mt5 = margin-top: 5px;
  • mb5 = margin-bottom: 5px;

The side classes will override the base margin/padding classes so you can use them in combination:

<div class="m5 mt15">I have 5px margin on all sides except the top which has 15px margin</span>


If you want to make a very large button you can use the .jumbo class

Flex box

Make an element display: flex:

<div class="flex"></div>

Change flex direction to column:

<div class="flex column"></div>

Reverse the elements:

<div class="flex row reverse"></div>
<div class="flex column reverse"></div>

Change the flex alignment:

<div class="flex items-baseline"></div>
<div class="flex items-center"></div>
<div class="flex items-end"></div>
<div class="flex items-start"></div>
<div class="flex items-stretch"></div>

Disable wrapping:

<div class="flex no-wrap"></div>

Fill remaining column space:

<div class="flex"><div class="col-grow"></div></div>

Using Column grid

There are 12 columns in the grid. You can use classes .col-1 through .col-12 to signify the width of the column. The columns must be placed inside a .row element.

<div class="row">
  <div class="col-4">I am 1/3 width or 33.33%</div>
  <div class="col-2">I am 1/6 width or 16.67%</div>
  <div class="col-6">I am 1/2 width or 50%</div>

You can signify screen widths as well with:

  • xs <= 599px
  • sm >= 600px and <= 768px
  • md >= 769px and <= 1023px
  • lg >= 1024px and <= 1399px
  • xl >= 1400px
<div class="row">
  <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 col-xl-3">
    I am full width at or below 768px I am half width between 769px and 1023px I
    am a third width between 1024px and 1399px I am a fourth width at or above

To add spacing between columns you can use the .xs-gutter, .sm-gutter, .md-gutter, .lg-gutter, and .xl-gutter classes on the .row element.

<div class="row xs-gutter">
  <div class="col-6"></div>
  <div class="col-6">I have a small space to the left of me</div>

Material design shadows

There are helper classes for shadow levels from .shadow-1 through .shadow-24. You can add a shadow class to any element to make it appear like it is floating.

Miscellaneous CSS helpers

<span class="muted">I have a opacity at 50%</span>

<div class="max-width">
  <p>I can only expand to 600px for better readability</p>

<div class="circle">
  I am a circle if you add equal height and width properties

<div class="pointer">
  Your mouse will turn to a pointer (link) if you hover over me

<div class="min-height-100">Make my minimum height 100%</div>

<div class="no-height">Unset my height property</div>
<div class="no-width">Unset my width property</div>

<div class="rounded">Give me a uniform border radius</div>

Deploying to Heroku

Continuous deployment is setup to push code in prod when master is updated.


Building a UI for community locator services



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