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Legal Issues

nicolekaate edited this page Oct 30, 2022 · 4 revisions

Included in our list of intended third-party software is:

  • Firebase and several of its modules, including User Authentication, Storage, and Firestore. According to the Google Cloud Platform terms of service, this software is free to use in both private and commercial use.
  • Android Studio, which is free to use in both private and commercial use according to the Apache 2 license.
  • Github, which is free to use in both private and commercial use according to its terms of service.

The implementation of social media potentially allows for the posting of copyrighted or illegal material, and as such will be monitored and moderated. Users will be reminded before posting that they need to be careful while sharing any content on social media because it may violate copyright or other rights. If users post any stolen content into the social media portion of our app, it will be removed.