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James Pretorius edited this page Oct 1, 2023 · 38 revisions

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Sign Up Page


Here, users can create an account for Forces Unite. This allows them the ability to create 'looking for' posts, and message other users on the site. If a user is not currently signed in they can easily access this page by clicking 'Sign Up' in our header.

Sign In Page


Here, users can sign in to Forces Unite. This allows them the ability to create 'looking for' posts, and message other users on the site. If a user is not currently signed in they can easily access this page by clicking 'Sign In' in our header.



Cards are a unified way of presenting the most important information for a post, event, or player at a glance.

Discovery Page


Here, users can quickly find other players looking to game, groups, and other users that are known to be on the site. This page can be easily accessed by clicking the 'Discovery' tab on our header. Users are able to select filters to find the right user/group for their needs. Users will see posts, groups, and other users separately (i.e. users can't discover groups and posts at the same time). The Posts, Groups, and Player searches differ by the type of card displayed and the filters available. Clicking on Join will bring the user to the Chat for that group (see Chat page).

Social Page

Here, users can quickly view the posts that they have created, post which they have joined a chat for, groups they are a part of, and chats with individual users. This page can be easily accessed by clicking the 'Social' page in our header. Users will see posts, groups, and other users separately (i.e. users can't see groups and posts at the same time). Clicking on usernames/group names/post titles will bring the user to the respective page.

Post Page

Group Page

Group page

Here, users can view general information about a group of other users who share common interests. Users are able to review the group, request to join, or view the members that are in the group. Groups can also have specific tags so they are easier to search for (clicking the tag will show you other groups with same tag).

User Profile Page

User Profile user profile 2

Here, users can view information about other users and themselves. Users can get to their own profile by clicking their avatar on our header. Users can view other user pages by clicking on usernames on tiles in our Discovery/Social pages. When viewing another profile, users will be given the options to send a message or a friend request.

Chat Page


Here, users can send messages to users looking to game, their groups, as well as individual users. Being in a chat is functionally what if means to be in a group, chat, or post. This page can be accessed in a few different ways, with the social page being the primary way. The chats for posts, groups, and users will differ by their displayed cards and maybe a couple of side elements below the card. The Leave button here would remove the user from the post post.

Home Page

Here, users can learn about the purpose and functionality of our site. This page can be easily accessed by clicking the 'Home' tab.

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