Beta release milestone.
Various UI changes to both the client and server applications.
New notification system introduced with NeptuneRunner
for the server application.
Stability and bug fixes.
To run the server (Windows) application, unzip the NeptuneServer-v0.5-Windows.zip anywhere and then run the NeptuneRunner.exe
To run the client (Android) application, install the APK on your Android device or emulator.
Neptune Server requires Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 to be installed on your machine. Download it here https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=48145
is only supported by Windows 10 machines. For Windows versions older than Windows 10, use Start Neptune.bat
inside the Neptune folder to launch the server.
Neptune client (Android app) requires the "Device & app notifications" permission (allow notification access). To enable it, view the enabling notification access on Neptune Client document.