The end goal of this project is to create a cheap and dirty version of the Voronio Lamp.
First we start out with the basic Blink program from the Arduino examples. Then add red, green, and blue LEDs with a 3D printed cover to help blend the colors.
The code after this step should look something like this.
Wiring image made with Fritzing.
Next is to make a pretty sequence by editing this code and getting the hex values from a site like this.
Project in action.
Next you can switch to an RGB LED and print this LED cover and this pretty cover before proceeding.
Now you are ready for the smooth rainbow. Can you edit the code to make it a smooth backwards rainbow?
Mood light complete.The slideshow for this activity can be found here. It includes all but the smooth rainbow. In 40 minutes, most high school groups can get to RGB blink and advanced groups were able to get to Rainbow Blink.