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HHTBS 2016 Dataset Household Border Trips

Gregor Schroeder edited this page Apr 29, 2021 · 2 revisions

Household Cross Border Trip list

SQL Table: [hhtbs2016].[border_trips]

Dataset Fields

Field Description Valid Count Missing Count Pct. Missing
border_trip_id unique surrogate key 841 0 0
household_id unique identifier of household 841 0 0
trip_id unique trip id within household 841 0 0
mode mode of cross border trip 841 0 0
port_of_entry cross border point of entry 841 0 0
purpose purpose of cross border trip 841 0 0
duration duration of cross border trip 841 0 0
party_size party size of cross border trip 841 0 0

Categorical Variables Values Report

Field Count Pct.
My own vehicle (or motorcycle) 522 62.1
Other vehicle (e.g., rental, carshare, taxi, work car, friends) 103 12.2
Bus/shuttle 56 6.7
Walking (or biking) 160 19.0
Airplane (or helicopter) 0 0.0
Other way of traveling 0 0.0
Otay Mesa (SR-905) Port of Entry 117 13.9
San Ysidro (I-5/I-805) Port of Entry 618 73.5
Tecate (SR 188) Port of Entry 28 3.3
Cross-border Terminal, Tijuana Intl Airport (pedestrian only) 43 5.1
Other 35 4.2
Drop-off/pick-up someone (e.g., at Tijuana Intl Airport) 24 2.9
Social (visit friends/family) 289 34.4
Leisure/recreation/vacation 270 32.1
Work/business-related 62 7.4
Personal business (e.g., medical appointment) 162 19.3
Other 34 4.0
Less than 1 day 603 71.7
1-2 days 151 18.0
3-5 days 53 6.3
6-10 days 24 2.9
More than 10 days 10 1.2
1 (I traveled alone) 251 29.8
2 persons total 304 36.1
3 persons total 121 14.4
4 persons total 90 10.7
5 or more persons total (including me) 75 8.9

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