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- This project originally existed as a testing environment for vision processing code that would be run on an FRC robot (Raspberry Pi coprocessor).
- C++ was chosen as the primary development language, and a more generalized program framework was created, titled 'VisionServer'.
- VisionServer[v1.*] was released as a framework which could be reimplemented by modifying the main source file(s) and recompiling the entire project. These releases were utilized during 2021 testing and the 2022 Rapid React season; provided features for both ease of use [on a robot] and advanced vision processing techniques.
- VisionServer[v2.*+] now comes with a redesigned program (library) structure that focuses on concurrency and multithreading. The project is also now implemented as a library that allows easier integration in external projects, and can functionally be used as a git submodule. This repo contains automations for updating the necessary dependencies (wpilib, opencv, tflite), which makes creating a vision program simpler and more accessible.
- October 2023 Update: This project is no longer in active development for direct use in FRC.
Highlighted Features:
- Load and run unlimited* vision processing pipelines - although obviously limited by hardware specs
- Run each pipeline in its own thread for concurrent operation, or one at a time in singlethreaded mode
- Extendable pipeline class for easily running custom pipelines
- Parse ntable and camera settings from frc.json (WPILibPi config file) or any other provided json in order to auto-initialize cameras (and calibration data)
- Setup any number of output streams (amount limited by cscore) and dynamically assign input sources during runtime
- Chain pipeline outputs dynamically during runtime (although this is very non-performant)
- SequentialPipeline class for running any number of pipelines sequentially - this accomplishes the same as above but is much more performant
- Camera feeds can be processed by multiple pipelines concurrently without losing frames
- Automatic networktable integration for pipelines, output streams, and main settings for dynamic runtime control (and robot communication)
- Target class for sending target information to a robot over networktables
- TfLite libraries included, along with base pipeline classes to support training and using [WPILib] Axon object detection models
- EdgeTPU library included for running hardware accelerated TfLite models
Simple object detection program using VisionServer (and an axon-generated tflite model):
#include <vector>
#include <core/visioncamera.h>
#include <core/visionserver2.h>
#include <core/vision.h>
#include <core/tfmodel.h>
using namespace vs2;
int main() {
std::vector<VisionCamera> cameras;
readConfig(cameras); // default config is /boot/frc.json
VisionServer::Init(); // verbosely initialize VS rather than allow lazy-loading
AxonRunner a("model.tflite", TfModel::Optimization::EDGETPU, "map.pbtxt", 4); // filename for model, attempt to load as edge tpu optimized, filename for labels, use 4 threads
VisionServer::addPipeline(&a); // or VisionServer::addPipeline<AxonRunner>(); for [default-constructed,] dynamically allocated pipeline
VisionServer::run(50); // the target (and maximum) fps
atexit(VisionServer::stopExit); // stop the server when the program ends
return 0;
All guides and code documentation can be found on this repo's gh-pages. Additionally, all guides can be found in markdown format under docs/.
Here is a list of some helpful resources used in the making of this project.
Currently I am the sole developer and maintainer of this project, so any suggestions/help are welcome (note that things don't get done very fast) - just post an issue or create a pull request. There is no template for this, just use common sense and try to be as helpful as possible.