This package will allow you to generate an editor for simple values that represent multiple choice lists on your view models
Available on NuGet as the SelectorAttribute package
Install-Package SelectorAttribute
Create classes inheriting from SelectorAttributeBase to define the choices for a property of a view model.
Enum Example:
public class ExampleEnumSelectorAttribute : SelectorAttributeBase
public ExampleSelectorAttribute()
this.BulkSelectionThreshold = 1; // The editor will change to a dropdown when this limit is exceeded
public override IEnumerable<SelectListItem> GetItems()
// You can use the Description attribute on enum items to change the displayed text
return SelectorHelpers.CreateItemsFromEnum<ExampleChoicesEnum>();
Options Loaded from Database:
public class RoleSelectorAttribute : SelectorAttributeBase
public RoleSelectorAttribute()
this.BulkSelectionThreshold = 100;
public override IEnumerable<SelectListItem> GetItems()
var options = DependencyResolver.Current.GetService<DBContext>()
.OrderBy(x => x.AccessLevel)
return options.ToSelectList(m => m.Id, m => m.Name);
Annotate properties of your view model with these selectors
public class EditViewModel
public ExampleEnum Example { get; set; }
public int RoleId { get; set; }
In your view, use Html.EditorFor or EditorForModel to create the selector control.
This code is based on code by Matt Hidinger as part of his MVC Grab bag project.