A neovim plugin to make your code more readable through syntax abstractions to hide unnecessary words or patterns. These set patterns will only show up when your cursor is hovering over the line containing the abstraction.
For lazy-nvim users:
lazy = true,
ft = {"cpp"}, -- add any other languages
opts = {
languages = {
cpp = {
words = {
["std::"] = "⊇",
["\\n"] = "⏎",
["%(int%)"] = "⚙",
["%(unsigned int%)"] = "⚙",
["%(char%)"] = "⚙",
["%(float%)"] = "⚙",
["%(double%)"] = "⚙",
["%(long long%)"] = "⚙",
["%(unsigned long long%)"] = "⚙",
["%(short%)"] = "⚙",
["%(unsigned short%)"] = "⚙",
["%(long%)"] = "⚙",
["%(unsigned long%)"] = "⚙",
["%(bool%)"] = "⚙",
["%(wchar_t%)"] = "⚙",
["%(unsigned char%)"] = "⚙",
["%(signed char%)"] = "⚙",
["%(void%*)"] = "⚙",
["%(size_t%)"] = "⚙",
["%(ptrdiff_t%)"] = "⚙",
["%(intptr_t%)"] = "⚙",
["%(uintptr_t%)"] = "⚙",
["%(std::string%)"] = "⚙",
["%(std::wstring%)"] = "⚙",
["static_cast<int>"] = "⚙",
["static_cast<unsigned int>"] = "⚙",
["static_cast<char>"] = "⚙",
["static_cast<float>"] = "⚙",
["static_cast<double>"] = "⚙",
["static_cast<long long>"] = "⚙",
["static_cast<unsigned long long>"] = "⚙",
["static_cast<short>"] = "⚙",
["static_cast<unsigned short>"] = "⚙",
["static_cast<long>"] = "⚙",
["static_cast<unsigned long>"] = "⚙",
["static_cast<bool>"] = "⚙",
["static_cast<wchar_t>"] = "⚙",
["static_cast<unsigned char>"] = "⚙",
["static_cast<signed char>"] = "⚙",
["static_cast<void*>"] = "⚙",
["static_cast<size_t>"] = "⚙",
["static_cast<ptrdiff_t>"] = "⚙",
["static_cast<intptr_t>"] = "⚙",
["static_cast<uintptr_t>"] = "⚙",
["static_cast<std::string>"] = "⚙",
["static_cast<std::wstring>"] = "⚙",
color = "#ff8a8a"
-- Add more languages here