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Duduf edited this page Aug 22, 2018 · 1 revision


You can re-import After Effects animations previously exported with Duik.

When importing animation, Duik will try to load the animations onto the layers with the same name and index which are selected in the active composition (or in all layers if none are selected). If after this there are still some animations which were not imported (i.e. if Duik do not find any correspondance for their name & index in the composition), Duik will ask you on which layer you want to set them. Set to "None" to ignore some of them, or click the "Cancel" button to ignore them all.

Import animation options:

  • All properties/Only keyframes: If "All properties" is selected, the value of properties without animation will be updated too, if the imported animation has a value for them. Setting this option to "Only keyframes" allows to ignore all imported properties without animation (i.e. simple values without keyframes).

  • You can filter the type of property you want to import: Position, Rotation, Scale, Opacity, Shapes/Masks paths, Effects properties, or all properties (no filter).

  • Offset/Absolute: you can choose to either load the values are they are in the imported animation ("Absolute" setting) or to offset the current values ("Offset").

  • Replace existing keyframes: check this box to remove all previous animations from the properties which are imported.


Note: Still in development

Imports a rig previously exported in a JSON format (XML may be added too).

Krita Animation

Duik can import traditionnal animations made with Krita, without needing to export frame sequences or video.

Duik will keep all layers and the animation exposure/timeline from Krita.

  1. Export the animation from Krita as a CSV file. Krita will also create a subfolder with the exported layers and frames.
  2. Click on the "Krita" button in Duik.

Duik imports all the layers and frames from Krita and then creates a composition corresponding to the Krita project with the same layers and parameters.

Wonderunit Storyboarder

Duik imports Storyboard files from Wonderunit Storyboarder, and creates a composition for an animatic, keepong the layers, shots, notes and sound from Storyboarder.

Duik also adds some text layers with shot names and useful timecodes.

  • You can choose to either overlay the notes or display them below the frame.

  • You can precompose the shots or have all layers in the same composition.

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