|_ Facets
|_ contains all Facet "*Implementation*" contracts
|_ Interface
|_ contains all Facet "*Interface*" contracts
|_ Libraries
|_ contains all Facet "*Storage*" contracts
|_ UpgradeInit
|_ Upgrade contract - "supported interface checks"
|_ utils
|_ DiamondProxy.sol
|_ test
|_ Contains all Unit tests
make install
forge build
forge test
Contracts & purpose -
Diamond Proxy - DiamondProxy.sol
- This contract is central proxy of delegating calls to respective facet
- It utilized LIbDiamond.sol as storage
- Saves record of implementations for each function selector
Diamond loupe contract DiamondLoupeFacet.sol
- This is standard getter function to get facet addresses and other facet related data from LibDiamond.sol
- Returns
- facet addresses
- facet for particular selector
- selctors present in particular facet
Diamond Cut contract DiamondCutFacet.sol
- This contract is Facet of adding, removing, replacing facets and selectors
STK token STKBase.Sol & STKTokenFacet.sol
- Facet for ERC20 token used in project
- Consists of standard ERC20 function
Staking contract StakingFacet.sol
- This contract is facet for staking functions
- Contains following functions
- Stake STK tokens
- Unstake STK tokens
- Calculate rewards
- Add reward token liquidity
Buy STK token BuyStkFacet.sol
- This contract is facet for buying STK tokens
- Contains following functions
- Buy stk tokens
- withdraw funds - (only owner)
- addLiquidity of tokens
- Other utils for setting stk token, caps, etc
Ownership OwnerFacet.sol
- This contract is facet for ownable implementation
- Consists transfering ownership and getOwner functions
- Retrives owner address from LibDiamond.sol
Storage contracts
- LibDiamond - Storage structure for diamond contract
- LibBuyStk - storage structure for Buy stk token contract
- LibSTKToken - storage structure for STK token contract
- LibStaking - storage structure for staking contract
- IDiamondCut.sol
- IDiamondLoupe.sol
- IERC165.sol
- IERC172.sol