FRB mock data simulator and a Bayesian framework to measure the normalized FRB luminosity function
If you would like to use this code to study FRB sample statistically, please cite the paper Luo et al. 2018, MNRAS, 481, 2320
Python (2.7.x), Numpy (1.14 at least), Scipy (1.0.0 at least), PyMultiNest (see for more details), Matplotlib
./ -alpha alpha -logls logls -ns Nfrb -thre flux_thre -dnu specwidth -type galaxy_type -o simfrb.txt
-alpha Inputs the power-law index of FRB luminosity function
-logls Inputs the expoential cut-off of FRB luminosity function in logarithmic erg/s
-ns Inputs the FRB number you want to generate
-thre Sets Flux threshold in units of Jy
-dnu Sets the secptral width in units of MHz
-type Chooses host galaxy case among ETG_NE2001, ETG_YMW16, LTG_NE2001, LTG_YMW16, ALG_NE2001, ALG_YMW16 (see Luo et al. 2018a for more details)
-o Outputs the mock data in .txt format
Notes: better implement it in cluster where MPI was installed well. The posterior outputs are saved on ./mn_out/
Plot the posterior distribution contours of the mock data, which are made on ./plots/simu/
Notes: better implement it in the cluster where MPI was installed well. The posterior outputs are saved on ./mn_out/
Plot the posterior distribution contours of the real FRB sample, which are made on ./plots/normal/ or ./plots/upper/
Get the contour data, which contains the best inferred value and error area of each parameter. The data are located in ./lfdat/
The usage of and
./ -f inputfile -o outputfile -g galaxy_type
./ -upper -f inputfile -o outputfile -g galaxy_type
-f Inputs the FRB catalog
-o Outputs the posterior results with name of
-g Choose host galaxy cases among ETG_NE2001, ETG_YMW16, LTG_NE2001, LTG_YMW16, ALG_NE2001, ALG_YMW16
-upper Bool option, choose uniform prior for L0 or not, the other option is uniform prior for logL0