A webpage for advanced and automated booking of group rooms at Mälardalen University (MDH)
Mälardalen University provides limited places to studdy. The School has bookable group rooms that has to be booked in advance. For students the rooms can be booked one week in advance, and generally you have to. I originally created a command line tool in Swift to book and schedule bookings. But I feel that a webpage makes more sense.
The webpage is build using Laravel 5.5 and Bootstrap v4. It's hosted using a VPS from DigitalOcean with a cert from LetsEncrypt. It communicates with MDH's booking server using HTTP requests to thier website.
- https://github.com/indrimuska/jquery-editable-select
- https://github.com/uxsolutions/bootstrap-datepicker
- https://github.com/laracasts/flash
It's still a work in progress and currently provides equal functionality to MDH's website as well as the following:
- Abillity to unbook started bookings.
- Multiple users - Each user can have multiple MDH session
- Session are kept alive
- Schedule bookings that are more than a week away
- Recuring weekly bookings
- Friends System - Highlight your and your frinds bookings.
- PHP >= 7.1
- Composer
- If you haven used composer before
wget https://getcomposer.org/installer
php installer
sudo mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer
sudo apt-get install php7.2-mbstring
sudo apt-get install php-xml
- Clone the repo and install dependencies
cd /var/www/
git clone https://github.com/Enari/GroupRoomMaffia.git
cd GroupRoomMaffia/
composer install
- Copy
and generate an application key.
cp .env.example .env
php artisan key:generate
Edit the
file with your enviorment comfiguration. -
Migrate the database
php artisan migrate
- Enable automatic polling of "MDH users sessions" by calling
php artisan schedule:run
using chron.
enter sudo crontab -e
and add th following line.
* * * * * php /var/www/GroupRoomMaffia/artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1
- Point you webserver to
, note that mod_rewrite needs to be enabled.