Rancid tomatillos is a multipage web application that users can use to find their favorite media title and get the average rating.
Our learning goals were to:
- create a React application
- Deploy a React app to GitHub pages
- End-to-end testing with Cypress
- Refactor with Router to create a multipage web application
This app is deployed on GitHub pages and can be found here
We started building the app with a wireframe and component structure. Using those to start off with we had created a React App that was single paged, but fully functional. Then we introduced a new technology Router. Router allowed us to make our React application respond how a typical webpage would.
- React
- JavaScript
- Mocha & Chai
- Cypress
- VS Code & Atom
For this project we sourced design inspiration from Rotten Tomatos and Netflix:
This application was built by: