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uORFomePipe: R package for prediction and analysis of uORFs

This package is still under development, although this version is stable and can be used.


uORFomePipe is a R package containing a prediction pipeline and analysis tools using Ribo-Seq, RNA-Seq and CAGE. Note that CAGE is optional, but will make you able to find uORFs outside the original gene annotation.

Here are the main steps:

    1. set up parameters and experiment
    1. Run uORFomePipeline: find_uORFome()

The find_uORFome() function contains these steps:

  • a. Find new cage leaders
  • b. Find candidate uORFs (possible by sequence)
  • c. Create unique uORF ID's
  • d. Create database objects
  • e. Insert into database Ribo-seq, RNA-seq & Sequence features
  • f. Predict uORFs from features
  • g. Analysis and plots


Package is available here on github (R version >= 3.6.0)

if (requireNamespace("devtools")) {
  if (requireNamespace("uORFomePipe")) {
  } else {
    devtools::install_github("Roleren/uORFomePipe", dependencies = TRUE); quit(save = "no")
} else {
  install.packages("devtools"); quit(save = "no")


Here we show an example of predicting active uORFs between 3 stages in a zebrafish developmental timeline. For you to run, make a new script window in R and paste in the script at the bottom of the page. Remember if you don't use CAGE, skip the steps and set CAGE to NULL

Preparing NGS data and annotation as ORFik experiment

To prepare the Ribo-seq, RNA-seq and CAGE, we make the data into ORFik experiment. This is to make sure no mistakes are made and all data is valid, and easier grouping of data.

First read about how ORFik experiment works: ORFik experiment tutorial

Since we don't need most of the information in bam files, we create simplified libraries (simpleLibs() gives bed files). And for Ribo-seq we p-shift the data. Remember to skip the CAGE steps here if you don't have it.

# Create experiments (1. CAGE, 2. Ribo-seq (RFP) and 3. RNA-seq (RNA))
# Make names (identifier for each library type) <- "zf_nepal" <- "zf_Chew13" <- "zf_Chew_RNA"

# Now Check if you have already done this
exp_exists <- list.experiments(pattern = paste(,,, sep = "|"))
exp_exists <- nrow(exp_exists) == 3 # all 3 defined already

if (!exp_exists) { # Create experiments only once!
  # First input gtf and genome
  gtf.file <- "/data/references/Zv10_zebrafish/Danio_rerio.GRCz10.81_chr.gtf.db" # GTF for organism
  genome.file <- "/data/references/Zv10_zebrafish/Danio_rerio.GRCz10.fa" # Fasta genome for organism

  # CAGE (Cap Analysis Gene Expression) (dir is folder with CAGE libraries)
  create.experiment(dir = "/data/processed_data/CAGE/nepal_2013_zebrafish/final_results/aligned_GRCz10",
                    exper =,
                    txdb = gtf.file, fa = genome.file)
  df.cage <- read.experiment( # If this works, you made a valid experiment
  # Collapse CAGE reads at same position, make score column and subset to 5' ends
  # Files are saved in a folder called /ofst/ relative to your default CAGE files
  convertLibs(df.cage, addScoreColumn = TRUE, addSizeColumn = FALSE, method = "5prime"); remove.experiments(df.cage)
  # RFP (Ribo-seq)
                    exper =, type = "bam",
                    txdb = gtf.file, fa = genome.file)
  df.rfp <- read.experiment(
  # p-site detection & pshifting: pick different read lengths if you want
  shiftFootprintsByExperiment(df.rfp, accepted.lengths = 25:30) 
  # RNA (mRNA-seq)
                    exper =, txdb = gtf.file, fa = genome.file)
  df.rna <- read.experiment(
  convertLibs(df.rna, addScoreColumn = TRUE, type = "ofst"); remove.experiments(df.rna)

Loading and subsetting ORFik experiments

This part will vary according to what your experiments looks like, here I pick 3 stages to use We subset to only do analysis on 3 stages: fertilized (AKA. 2to4 cells stage), Dome and Shield.

  # Load experiments (subset to 3 stages)
  df.cage <- read.experiment( 
  df.rfp  <- read.experiment(
  df.rna  <- read.experiment(
  # Subset experiments to stages / tissues / conditions (groups) we want analysed (they must exist in all 3)
  conditions <- c("", NA) # Only empty conditions allowed (no mutants etc.)
  stages <- c("Dome","Shield", "2to4Cell", "fertilized") # 3 stages (we make 2to4 and fertilized as 1 stage)
  df.rfp <- df.rfp[df.rfp$stage %in% stages & df.rfp$condition %in% conditions,]
  df.rna <- df.rna[df.rna$stage %in% stages & df.rna$condition %in% conditions,]
  df.cage <- df.cage[df.cage$stage %in% stages & df.cage$condition %in% conditions,]; df.cage[1,2] <- df.rna$stage[1]

This is how the experiments look like:

> df.cage
experiment: zf_nepal with 1 library type and 4 runs 
   libtype    stage rep
1:    CAGE 2to4Cell  NA
2:    CAGE     Dome  NA
3:    CAGE   Shield   1
4:    CAGE   Shield   2

> df.rfp
experiment: zf_Chew13 with 1 library type and 3 runs 
   libtype    stage
1:     RFP 2to4Cell
2:     RFP     Dome
3:     RFP   Shield

> df.rna
experiment: zf_Chew_RNA with 1 library type and 3 runs 
   libtype    stage
1:     RNA 2to4Cell
2:     RNA     Dome
3:     RNA   Shield

You see that you don't need equal amount of CAGE files (4 of them) to RNA-seq / Ribo-seq (3 of them), as long as the tissue / stage is equal.

Running uORFomePipe

You need to set these parameters in the find_uORFome function:

  1. mainPath: the directory to use for uORFomePipe results
  2. df.rfp, df.rna, df.cage: the Ribo-seq, RNA-seq and CAGE ORFik experiments
  3. organism: For GO analysis we need to know which organism this is (scientific name)
  4. Start and stop codons wanted, like startCodons = c("ATG", "CTG", "TTG") etc. To run simply do:
  5. Get Gene onthology metrics or not (Set biomart = NULL to skip, it takes some time to run, so skip if not needed)
find_uORFome(mainPath = "~/results/uORFome_zebrafish",
             organism = "Danio rerio", 
             df.rfp, df.rna, df.cage,
             startCodons = c("ATG", "CTG", "TTG"), 
             stopCodons = c("TAA", "TGA", "TAG"), 
             biomart = NULL)
# scientific name for organism, will let you know if you misspelled

Next I will describe each step in more detail that happens inside find_uORFome:

Initializing uORFomePipe

First of the pipeline is initialized by verifying all input, creating directories and database. These parameters needs to be set in the checkAndInitPipe function:

  1. mainPath: the directory to use for uORFomePipe results
  2. df.rfp, df.rna, df.cage: the Ribo-seq, RNA-seq and CAGE ORFik experiments
  3. organism: For GO analysis we need to know which organism this is (scientific name)

checkAndInitPipe(mainPath = "~/results/uORFome_zebrafish",
          df.rfp, df.rna, df.cage)

If the function checkAndInitPipe does not give you an error, you are good to go.

Creating the uORF features used for prediction

This section should be run as it is, only thing you can change is what start codons and stop codons you want. All other filtering you can do on results, like length of ORF or longest ORF per stop codon etc.

# 2. Find uORF search region per CAGE
getLeadersFromCage(df.cage) # set df.cage <- NULL if you don't have CAGE

# 3. Find candidate uORFs per CAGE
getCandidateuORFs(startCodons = "ATG|CTG|TTG|GTG|AAG|AGG|ACG|ATC|ATA|ATT",
                  stopCodons = "TAA|TAG|TGA")

# 4. make uorf IDs (to get unique identifier per uORF)

# 5. CAGE atlas per tissue and uORF / cage leader objects

# 6. Find sequence, Ribo-seq and RNA-seq features for training model
makeTrainingAndPredictionData(df.rfp, df.rna, organism = organism)

Prediction (when training data is ready)

Next step is the prediction, you get a h2o random forest model per tissue / stage

# 7. Predict uORFs
# Either split tissues, or use argument "all" for all combined
prediction <- predictUorfs()


Lastly, the analysis. Some predefined analysis function are included, you can work on the results as you want.

# 8. Analysis
# Main uORF analysis plot

# Feature analysis (pick your tissue or "total")
featureAnalysis(prediction, tissue = "Shield")

uORF analysis

You here see the candidate uORFs on left side and predicted uORFs on right side

With the bed12 uORFs you also get as output, you can go to IGV and check them out. Here is a good example from the atf4a gene, were a uORF is tissue specific, so not in the original annotation and the uORFome pipeline finds it.

atf4a uORF

Here is the full script you can modify for your needs:


# Input data experiment creation <- "zf_nepal" <- "zf_Chew13" <- "zf_Chew_RNA" 

# Now Check if you have already done this
exp_exists <- list.experiments(pattern = paste(,,, sep = "|"))
exp_exists <- nrow(exp_exists) == 3 # all 3 defined already

if (!exp_exists) { # Create experiments only once!
  # First input gtf and genome
  gtf.file <- "/data/references/Zv10_zebrafish/Danio_rerio.GRCz10.81_chr.gtf.db" # GTF for organism
  genome.file <- "/data/references/Zv10_zebrafish/Danio_rerio.GRCz10.fa" # Fasta genome for organism
  organism <- "Danio rerio"
  # CAGE (Cap Analysis Gene Expression) (dir is folder with CAGE libraries)
  create.experiment(dir = "/data/processed_data/CAGE/nepal_2013_zebrafish/final_results/aligned_GRCz10",
                    exper =,
                    txdb = gtf.file, fa = genome.file, organism = organism)
  df.cage <- read.experiment( # If this works, you made a valid experiment
  # Collapse CAGE reads at same position, make score column and subset to 5' ends
  convertLibs(df.cage, addScoreColumn = TRUE, addSizeColumn = FALSE, method = "5prime"); remove.experiments(df.cage)
  # RFP (Ribo-seq)
                    exper =, type = "bam",
                    txdb = gtf.file, fa = genome.file, organism = organism)
  df.rfp <- read.experiment(
  # p-site detection & pshifting: pick different read lengths if you want
  shiftFootprintsByExperiment(df.rfp, accepted.lengths = 25:30) 
  # RNA (mRNA-seq)
                    exper =, txdb = gtf.file, fa = genome.file, organism = organism)
  df.rna <- read.experiment(
  convertLibs(df.rna, addScoreColumn = TRUE, type = "ofst"); remove.experiments(df.rna)
{ # Load experiments (subset to 3 stages)
  df.cage <- read.experiment( 
  df.rfp  <- read.experiment(
  df.rna  <- read.experiment(
  # Subset experiments to stages / tissues / conditions (groups) we want analysed (they must exist in all 3)
  conditions <- c("", NA) # Only empty conditions allowed (no mutants etc.)
  stages <- c("Dome","Shield", "2to4Cell", "fertilized") # 3 stages (we make 2to4 and fertilized as 1 stage)
  df.rfp <- df.rfp[df.rfp$stage %in% stages & df.rfp$condition %in% conditions,]
  df.rna <- df.rna[df.rna$stage %in% stages & df.rna$condition %in% conditions,]
  df.cage <- df.cage[df.cage$stage %in% stages & df.cage$condition %in% conditions,]; df.cage[1,2] <- df.rna$stage[1]
  # Start and stop codons used
  stopCodons = "TAA|TAG|TGA"
  # Run 
  find_uORFome(mainPath = "~/results/uORFome_zebrafish",
               organism = organism.df(df.rfp),
               df.rfp, df.rna, df.cage,
               startCodons, stopCodons)


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