Releases: RolandKoenig/MessageCommunicator
Version 1.0.0
Changelog since last release:
- [GUI] Create a full custom window chrome, at least for windows
- Updated dependencies
Version 0.8.0
Changelog since last release:
[GUI] Migrated to Avalonia 0.10
[GUI] Some common improvements like better context menu, etc.
Version 0.7.0
Changelog since last release:
- [GUI] Changed most fonts to be monspace
- [GUI] MarkDown based documentation
- [GUI] Reduced application package size using .Net 5 App Trimming
- [GUI] Added online-check for new releases
Version 0.6.0
Changelog since last release:
- [All] Support for UDP
- [All] Support for .Net 5
- [All] Support for SerialPort
- [GUI] Add Comboboxes for serial port configuration
- [GUI] Ensure no duplicate naming for profiles
- [GUI] Additional colums for profile list (#Messages in, #Messages out, #Errors)
- [GUI] Update icon color depending on dark/light theme
- [GUI] Add links in AboutDialog
- [GUI] Ensure no real type names in serialized data
Version 0.5.0
Changelog since last release:
- New MessageRecognizer which recognizes all incoming data blocks as a Message (ByUnderlyingPackageMessageRecognizer)
- [GUI] Input HEX values for outgoing messages
- [GUI] Added line counter in Messages and Details tab
Version 0.4.0
Changelog since last release:
- Integrated Guard Clauses
- New FixedLengthRecognizer for messages with only a fixed length
- Timouts for established connections (disconnect after X secs without messages from the partner)
- [GUI] Import/Export feature for profiles
Version 0.3.0
Changelog since last release:
- Nuget package contains debugging symbols and source link. Symbols are hostet on
- Nuget package is now also compatible with .Net Standard 2.0
- Updated xml documentation
- New MessageRecognizer for messages with start and end symbols
Version 0.2.0
The library itself is published as a Nuget package.
The GUI application is provided below for windows, linux and macos. All application files are self contained executables, so no other requirenment like .Net Core installation is needed.
Improvements since 0.1.0:
- A bunch of bugfixes
- Updated the UI (styling, light/black theme, input validation, ...)
Version 0.1.0 - Initial Release
This is the initial release for the MessageCommunicator app.
It is meant to be a helpful utility when it comes to communicate with another application or external devices using plain messages. Currently MessageCommunicator supports Tcp messages with some simple message recognition modes:
- EndSymbols (like #)
- FixedLengthAndEndSymbol
There is also a "Default" message recognition method, but this one is meant if you use MessageCommunicator for communication between to custom applications. The "Default" method does not follow any other standard form of message recognition.