This repository contains HTML and CSS code which helps you out that you can start picking up HTML and CSS and can get comfortable with these languages and can be helpful for those who are learning HTML and CSS for the first time.
- Title, Script, Link & Meta Tags.
- Headings & Paragraphs
- Img and Anchor tags.
- Lists and Tables
- Forms & Input Tags
- Inline & Block Elements
- Ids & Classes in HTML
- HTML Entities
- Semantic Tags in HTML
- Selectors in CSS
- Using Chrome Developer Tools
- Fronts in CSS
- Colors in CSS
- Borders and Background
- CSS Box Model,Margin and Padding
- Float & Clear Explained
- Styling links & Buttons
- Creating a Navigation Menu
- CSS Display Property
- Position absolute,relative,fixed and sticky in CSS
- Visibilty & z-index Explained
- CSS Flexbox
- em,rem,vh and vw units +Responsive Design
- Media Queries Explained
- Advanced CSS Selectors
- Box Shadow and Text Shadow
- Variables and Custom Properties
- CSS Animation and Keyframes
- Transition in CSS
- Transform Property in CSS
- CSS Grid