Encrypts and decrypts text with your ssh generated public private key's
Project state: Fun mode
Prerequisites • Encrypt a message • Decrypt a message • Contribute
To work, this script will need following python libraries
- cement
- Advanced CLI Application Framework for Python
- cryptography
- Provides cryptographic recipes and primitives to Python developers
Install prerequisites
pip install cement
pip install cryptography
This will encrypt the string "This is top ssecret information nobody should be able to read" to a file secretmessage.txt by using the the public key "public-key"
python3.6 crypto-message.py -i /path/to/public-key /path/to/secretmessage.txt This is top secret information nobody should be able to read
This will decrypt the file secretmessage.txt by using the private key "private-key"
python3.6 crypto-message.py -d /path/to/private-key /path/to/secretmessage.txt
Heck yeah! :)
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- Have fun