It is recommended to use smallfolk instead. It is a lot faster and creates smaller and more readable output. It also has a C++ version for C++ compatibility needs:
LuaSerializer is a pure lua serializer that does not use loadstring or pcall for table deserialization. Works with Lua 5.1 and 5.2.
- Tables with cycles can not be serialized.
- Metatables are not serialized.
- Userdata can not be serialized
- Functions can not be serialized, but you can try serialize string.dump or the function contents as string
- Compression safety is questionable for unknown source data, use it only for server->client or otherwise safe assumed data
LuaSerializer serializes data into a string and is able to then deserialize the data without using loadstring or pcall (safely, not calling functions).
LuaSerializer is capable of safely serializing and deserializing:
- nil
- bool
- string
- number including nan and inf
- tables with no unserializable data and no cycles
local LuaSerializer = LuaSerializer or require("LuaSerializer")
-- Some lua compatibility between 5.1 and 5.2
local unpack = unpack or table.unpack
-- Takes in values and returns a string with them serialized
-- Uses LZW compression, use LuaSerializer.serialize_nocompress if you dont want this
-- LuaSerializer.serialize(...)
-- Takes in a string of serialized data and returns a table with the values in it and the amount of values
-- The data must have been serialized with LuaSerializer.serialize_nocompress
-- LuaSerializer.unserialize(serializeddata)
local serialized = LuaSerializer.serialize(55, "test", {1,2, y = 66}, nil, true)
local data, n = LuaSerializer.unserialize(serialized)
print(unpack(data, 1, n))
-- prints:
-- 55 test table: 491A9920 nil true
-- Takes in values and returns a string with them serialized
-- Does not compress the result
-- LuaSerializer.serialize_nocompress(...)
-- Takes in a string of serialized data and returns a table with the values in it and the amount of values
-- The data must have been serialized with LuaSerializer.serialize
-- LuaSerializer.unserialize_nocompress(serializeddata)
local serialized = LuaSerializer.serialize_nocompress(55, "test", {1,2, y = 66}, nil, true)
local data, n = LuaSerializer.unserialize_nocompress(serialized)
print(unpack(data, 1, n))
-- prints:
-- 55 test table: 491A9920 nil true
#Included dependencies You do not need to get these, they are already included
- Compression for string data:
#Special thanks
- Kenuvis < Gate, ElunaGate >
- Laurea (alexeng) < >
- Lua contributors < >