Formidable streams uploads to the file system by default. If you're using GridFS to store files you'll then need to turn around and copy them off of the file system. Using gridform
removes this burden.
var mongo = require('mongodb')
var gridform = require('gridform');
// assuming you've already created a db instance and opened it
gridform.db = db;
gridform.mongo = mongo;
// in your http server
var app = http.Server(function (req, res) {
// create a gridform
var form = gridform();
// returns a custom IncomingForm
assert(form instanceof formidable.IncomingForm);
// optionally store per-file metadata
form.on('fileBegin', function (name, file) {
file.metadata = 'so meta'
// parse normally
form.parse(req, function (err, fields, files) {
// use files and fields as you do today
var file = files.upload; // the uploaded file name
file.type // file type per [mime](
file.size // uploaded file size (file length in GridFS) named "size" for compatibility
file.path // same as included for compatibility
file.lastModified // included for compatibility
// files contain additional gridfs info
file.root // the root of the files collection used in MongoDB ('fs' here means the full collection in mongo is named 'fs.files') // the ObjectId for this file
npm install gridform
The module exports a function which takes an options object.
var gridform = require('gridform');
var options = { db: db, mongo: mongo, filename: fn };
var form = gridform(options);
Available options:
- db: an open node-mongodb-native db instance
- mongo: the node-mongodb-native driver you are using
- filename: function
The optional filename
function is passed the
before streaming to MongoDB providing an opportunity to return a customized filename with a prefix etc.
and mongo
are required unless you've specified them on gridform
var gridform = require('gridform');
gridform.db = db;
gridform.mongo = mongo;
var form = gridform(); // all good
The gridform function returns an instance of formidable.IncomingForm
so you can process uploads without changing any code.
This module utilizes the gridfs-stream module which is exposed as require('gridform').gridfsStream
Run the tests with make test