#Plotting the Almetric scores for an article and its references
##What is it?
This script plots a histogram of the altmetric scores for an article and its references
##How does it work? Using a doi (digital object identifier) this script requests the references of an article from the pmc-ref API (https://pmc-ref.herokuapp.com/ disclaimer: I built it). It then extracts the pmids of the article and references.
Using the pmids it requests data from requesting and then goes to http://api.altmetric.com/v1/pmid/ for altmetric data.
Each response from almetric.com is stored as a pandas Series in a dict_of_series in order to initiate a pandas DataFrame.
From the DataFrame a simple histogram can be generated.
###Modules used
- ipython==2.3.1
- requests==2.4.3
- pandas==0.15.1
- numpy==1.9.1
- matplotlib==1.4.2