This is a Crime Information Management System (CIMS) built using Java and MySQL.
It provides a platform for police departments to manage crime data, including criminal information, crime types, and police station information.
The system includes the following features:
- Add, edit, and delete crime types
- Add, edit, and delete police stations
- Add, edit, and delete criminals
- Add new crimes and associate them with relevant data such as criminals, victims, police stations, and crime types
- View crime data including crime statistics and details of specific crimes
To run this project, you will need:
Java Development Kit (JDK) 8 or later
MySQL server
Clone the repository:
git clone
Set up the MySQL database using the mysql.sql file included in the repository:
mysql -u root -p cims < mysql.sql
Update the file with your MySQL credentials.
Compile the project:
javac *.java
Run the project:
java Main
The system is menu-driven and user-friendly. Simply follow the prompts to navigate the different options and perform various operations. Contributing
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-= select email,pass,name from usersINSERT INTO users (name, age, email, pass) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)";
Query for finding crime in current Month -> "SELECT * FROM crime WHERE MONTH(date_time) = MONTH(CURRENT_DATE()) AND YEAR(date_time) = YEAR(CURRENT_DATE())";
Query for finding all solved crime-> "SELECT * FROM crime WHERE status = 'solved'"
Query for finding all Unsolved crime-> "SELECT * FROM crime WHERE status = 'Unsolved'"
Query for solved the crime-> UPDATE crime SET status = 'Solved' WHERE crime_id = ?"
Query for register new crime -> "INSERT INTO crime (crime_type, date_time, crime_desc, location, ps_id, criminal, victim, status) "
+ "VALUES (?, NOW(), ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
"INSERT INTO criminal (crime_id, cr_name, cr_age, gender, identifying_mark, cr_address) "
+ "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
Contributions to the project are welcome. Please submit a pull request with your proposed changes.
insert into users(name,age,email,pass)values("venom",24,"[email protected],SHA2("rizwan",256));