The friendly robot that searches APIs for you!
- store recent history in localStorage:
{search, result, date}
- don't take into account
search === ''
- limit history to 20 searches
- display recent history.
for searches with no results - delete element from recent history
- on clear search, focus on the search-input
- on delete history log stop event propagation
- load on click as if it was a regular search, with the message "Data retrieved from memory!"
- adjust history design to make is fit no matter the number of logs
- add tutorial when user has no favorite
- convert all component to
single file components - convert components to composition API
- test
- vuex
- vue router
- make app PWA
- add offline mode where the robot says "Can't connect to the network!", disable inputs, gray them off
- convert project to TypeScript project
- add random funny messages to the robot when performing actions like
add to favorite
,remove from favorite
,delete log