This project acts as a description of the organization page for The Department of clinical physiology nuclear medicine (KFNM) at pet rigshospitalet. This is the hub for all the differnet code projects developed and used at KFNM.
Adminstrator: Christoffer - [email protected]
All self-developed software that is either running clinically or scientify should have their own repostitory.
If you have a collections of scripts you should create a respository for these as well, however you should specify the functionality within those scripts. If other respositories covers the functionality of our code then you do not have to create a repository for it, instead you should use the code in those repositories.
If you create a repsitory, you should add it with a small description to the list below
gfr - Django server running software for Clearance i the capital Region of Copenhagen.
Tracershop - Django / React Server For ordering radioactive tracers produced at Rigshospitalet.
DicomNode - Python Library and toolkit for Dicom communication.